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PP 1440卐TPV抗UV

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最后更新: 2019-02-10 07:10
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    PP 1440卐TPV抗UV POM LA543、‖。ABS PA-747、POM PM3007G5、‖。PBT K4560、‖。PC AM-1801 CM1453、PA6 8351、LDPE 1C5A、→,PA1010 LC1610、→,EVA 1045 ETFE LM-720AP、‖。POM 、→,PPS AR04、‖。PP 513MNK40、EVA 40-55、→,PA12 AMND、‖。TPU 180A、‖。TPE VTV9LVN、‖。PP F400、→,PC PZ324G4NT、→,LLDPE GA501023、PMMA XL、‖。PBT 433、→,LDPE 11P、‖。LCP 3403-4、→,PC/ABS GP-5006B、LDPE FT5230、‖。PP MD000IU 、PC B-4120R、‖。PC LF1520-739、TPU 2103-90AENH、TPU A85P4380、LCP A150D-2、TPU 58315、→,TPU DP85085A、TPU R175A、POM 3013A、ABS 4000PG、TPE CM0836、‖。TPU 385、→,PBT GP-5000 、POM F10-02、TPU ALR、PA6 BGZ-15/2、‖。TPV 8451-87、PMMA DF22 8N、HDPE TR-480SK、PC/ABS GC-1150、PP W101E 、ABS AG15E1、EVA 430A-C、→,PC ML-6500Z、PPS 6341L4、→,SPS C852、ABS SKG20PA/MXD6 1524-9008、‖。PPS C-140SF、PP MF-1006 HS UV、‖。PBT 5010GN6-30M8XMPE 1018HA、‖。PP 7684、→,PTFE CC604、‖。PC 603-3、‖。PC 8410-7LT、‖。TPU DP3392A、PP Y-120H 、PA6 NY-6|33、‖。PP 7905E1、PA66 A3X2G7、→,COC E48R、→,TPU 754DHPM 、→,LLDPE EP30、PVC1. e metal ions in the pigment will cause the themal oxy decomposition of PVC esin Figue 1.The detemination method is the colo phe change when the pigment polyethylene is heated to 180 C. Because of the metal ions in the pigment, the decomposition of PVC is acceleated and the colo phe changes. At the same time, also noted that the same colo with ed lake can make PVC have diffeent, such calcium, manganese is small colo diffeence; colo diffeence, this is because manganese metal pomoted PVC deation induced.Sulphide coloing ats (such cadmium ed and yellow, etc.) ae used fo coloing PVC and may be decomposed by coloants. The coloant not with lead stabilize mix, in ode to avoid eating black lead sulfide.2. The influence of pigment on the electical insulation of PVC polyvinyl chloide and polyethylene, cable mateials, the electical poties of coloing should be consideed. In paticula, polyvinyl chloide is moe poo in its insulation than polyethylene, so the effect of pigment is geate. It shows that the selection of inoganic pigment coloing PVC is bette fo its electical insulation than that of oganic pigment (except fo funace black and anate titanium di).MobilityMobility occus only in plticized PVC poducts, and in the use of dyes o oganic pigments. The tansfe is pat of the existing in the suounding solvent soluble dye o pigment, the plticize penetated into the suface of PVC poducts, the dissolved dye (pigment) paticles wee also bought to the poducts on the suface, thus lead to contact bleeding, bleeding o a solvent. [5]Anothe poblem is "Scaling". When coloants ae dyed, they ae feed fom the system due to thei poo compatibility o incompatibility. They ae deposited on the suface of the pocessing equipment, such the inne wall of the extude and the inne wall of the die hole.WeatheabilityLCP Test method of physical fomance ating unit systemThe popotion of 1.18 g/cm3 TM D792Wate absoption (satuation) 3.7% TM D570Test method of mechanical fomance ating unit systemTensile modulus 3000 MPa TM D638Flexual modulus 3100 MPa TM D790Test method fo ating unit system of themal fomanceThemal defomation tematueTM D6480.45 MPa, not annealed 275 C1.8 MPa, not annealed 160 CMelting tematue 295 degee CPA6 puposeIt is widely used in machiney, instumentation, automotive pats, electonic and electical, ailway, household appliances, communications, spinning machines, spots leisue poducts, oil pipes, tanks and e pecision engineeing poducts.Electon: connectos, spool, time, cicuit beake, switch shell seat coveCa: cooling fan, dooknob, fuel tank cap, gille, tank cove, lamp holdeIndustial pats: chai seat, bicycle fame, skating shoe be, textile shuttle, pedal, slipy tanspotclsificationAnti static PA, conductive PA, fibe fiepoof PA, fiepoof PA, anti ultaviolet weathe esistance PA, high tematue extusion gade PA.Conductive nylon 66: it h good wea esistance, heat esistance, oil esistance and chemical esistance. It also geatly educes the wate absoption and shinkage of aw mateials, and h excellent dimensional stability and excellent mechanical stength. It can meet the equiements of electostatic dischage and electostatic dischage (ESD) potection. These special modified mateials ae specially pepaed and ae suitable fo the ange of suface esistance fom 100 to 1012 ohm / squae (ohms/sq), which can be used fo injection and extusion molding. Thee ae many advantages ove metal and coating: the pats ae lighte, eie to handle, and the cost of tanspotation is low. They ae ey to semble, have low manufactuing costs, and ae less likely to be dented, cut and scaped. Fo identification o aesthetic puposes, e mateials can be befoehand dyed to avoid two coloing pocessing fo fee and expensive. Detailed oveviewThe second chapte of polyamide (PA66)4. excellent electical insulation fomance. Nylon h a high volume esistance and high beakdown voltage. It is an excellent insulating mateial fo electical and electical appliances.5. good climate esistance.6. wate absocy. The wate absobability of nylon is lage, and the satuated wate can each moe than 3%. To a cetain extent, it affects the dimensional stability of the patsTwo applicationWith the development of petoleum chemical industy and othe industies, it povides ich and inexpensive aw mateials and boad maket fo the development of nylon engineeing plt.Nylon is mainly used in automobile industy, electical and electonic industy, tanspotation, machiney manufactuing industy, wie and cable communication industy, film and daily necessities.The nylon used in the automobile industy is about 1/3 of the total nylon consumption. It is mainly to use the nylon tee with small density and excellent compehensive poties to adapt to the steam.The demand of light weight and enegy saving is equied. Especially with the advantages of good mechanical stength, wea esistance, oil esistance and self lubication, all kinds of beaings, geas, and geas ae made.Pulley, oil pipeline, oil stoage device, oil esistant gket, potective cove, suppot fame, wheel cove, divesion plate, fan, ai filte shell, heat dissipationWate chambe, bake pipe, engine hood, doo handle and so on.PA612 Besides the eal PA chaacteist, PA612 h the advantages of elatively small elative width, lowe wate absoption and density, good dimensional stability, high tensile stength and impact stength, and tanspaency.1. Reduce injection speed o pessue



